Sunday 29 March 2015

OPINION: Naomi Klein addresses ECB at Blockupy 2015: "You're vandalism is planetary in scale"

"The fight against austerity and the fight for a safe and stable environment is the same fight and we need to be fighting side by side"

"So I have a special message to the ECB (European Central Bank) today. You are the true vandals, but you work on a much larger canvas. You're vandalism is planetary in scale. You don't set fire to cars, you are setting the world on fire." Naomi Klein stated, as part of the Blockupy 2015 movement against the opening of a new European Central Bank building in Frankfurt, Germany.

While the GFC is almost a decade behind us, Germany with assistance from the Troika (3 financial forces in Europe being, ECB, IMF & EC) continues implementing austerity measures against European allies. Greece most notably recently elected the left wing government 'SYRIZA' after mass opposition grew against the austerity measures implemented against their country that have done nothing to lift Greece out of recession. 

The sad truth is capitalism is in crisis and needs saving. I say this not to defend an ideology, but to protect humanity. Like power to the head of a King, capitalism has lost sight of its purpose, of which some would argue it never had, but also recognise the very real possibility that there may be no point in saving something already lost.

Germany must reverse the austerity measures that were never going to work and unite Europe. They (and all other developed countries) must prioritise investment in renewable energy. To create jobs, to attract scientific innovation and to protect the environment on which we live.

As the late Carl Sagan said, Earth. "On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives."

"Every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there - on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam."

"To me, it underscores our responsibility to deal more kindly with one another and to preserve and cherish the pale blue dot, the only home we've ever known."

In the vast arena of space would anything notice the extinction of the human race, the only known advanced race? On this grand scale of extinction, there is no discrimination of skin color, of gender, of sexuality, of power, of financial success or of popularity.

In the years to come when our children ask us what we did, what will we say?

What will lead us in the right direction is recognising the role we all play. To not overemphasise wealthy over poor, or elected over electorate. We are all in this together, and it is when humans unite on a cause and work together that our true power is unlocked. It was true when our ancestors hunted in packs and it is true if we are to address climate change in search of the next golden age in scientific evolution. 

Time is the price of intelligence and the burden of history. Will we fix the economic and environmental crisis? Only time will tell.

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