Wednesday 25 March 2015

OPINION: Cate Blanchett is an Alien? Apparently.

In an interview on The Project to promote her new film "Cinderella" - in which Cate Blanchett plays the Stepmother - Jonathan Hyla asks quite possibly the most diabolical question. "Serious question", ok that's a good start "how were you able to get that cat to do what you wanted to on a leash? I tried put my girlfriends cat on a leash and it just never works for me."

How indeed Ms Blanchett... you have a lot of explaining to do. That cat walking skill certainly take a certain 'jena se qou' that no other Australian has mastered and must be the highlight of your career.

Cate answers in the only reasonable way possible "That's your question? That's you fucking question?"

Not only was it his question, but the end of the interview.

Whether intentionally or not, the question shows the ignorance of the interviewer and projects an undertone of sexism in a very sarcastic way; like as though this is her greatest career achievement and couldn't have been accomplished if she a lesser women. A career of which has spanned decades and includes many international awards, still, this moment took the prize.

So why is the mass media so useless, and why has the other mass media latched onto this tiny video with vigor?

She is an alien. It's hard to tell all her fans, but she isn't human. Thus when emulating human feelings as does everyone else in society on a daily basis, it comes as a giant shock to the mass media and becomes breaking news, because if there is one thing the media covers in Australia, it's aliens.

Seriously though, what this highlights is the predatory nature of the mass media and their hunger for stories large and small. No longer is journalism about providing a review or critique about an event but merely reporting incidents to attrack readers for profit so as to power the mass media machine. How about the surprised reporters during every storm season, like as though it came out of nowhere and this strange occurrence must be explained to the viewer. But do they talk about the elephant in the room that is causing the ever increasing occurrence, climate change? Of course not.

No, the mass media thinks you would be far more interested in some use of the English vernacular than you would with critical analysis.

Now you might be thinking, "hold on just one second, this sets a bad example for our children". You are absolutely right. You know what else sets a bad example for our youth? Not focusing on important issues like sexism and climate change!

So can we put pleasantries to the side for just one second, and try really hard to focus on some larger issues? No. Critical thinking and analysis requires time and money, and if there is one sector that doesn't have either it's international media.

In light of this apparent flaw and in the spirit of openness, sharing and saving my sanity, I have compiled my top 10 list of ideas that could to be covered by any of the Australian mass media organisations (hopefully in the near future):

1) Why do we need mass surveillance laws when everyone knows it won't do anything?
2) Why are we going into another war, when the last one went so horribly wrong, shouldn't that be an election issue or at least go through some vetting process?
3) What are we doing about climate change and investing in renewable energy research?
4) What are we doing about the crisis of unemployment under capitalism?
5) How is Australia so sexist and how can this be addressed in a way that doesn't tokenise women in senior positions while leaving the majority behind?
6) Has Australia no empathy for our ongoing treatment of Australian Aboriginals in relation to closing communities and when are we going to sign a treaty?
7) Should Morrison be sent to the 'International Court of Justice' to face trial over his treatment of refugees?
8) Why are house prices so expensive and can we look at the economy past the two party policies?
9) Why is mainstream journalism so shit that it can't self criticise like ABC's Media Watch?
10) Why, out of a country of 23 million, we can't find a couple of hundred semi intelligent people that listen to the needs of a nation and represent a fair and just society?

If any large media organisation achieves such a mammoth task, I will personally deliver a signed copy of the new movie "Cinderella".

But seriously... how did she get that cat to walk?

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