Sunday 26 April 2015

OPINION: SBS sports reporter fired for criticising war

This whole issue around SBS sports reporter Scott McIntyre being fired for a comment on twitter is ridiculous and has seriously gotten out of hand.

Unsurprisingly the mass media has failed to grasp how his tweets were not not advocating for Nazi Germany or Imperialist Japan, but rather opposing Australia's role in it, and the continued attempts to glorify the loss of lives as a means to justify future wars and acts of aggression.

If you are looking for Nazi Germany supporters you just missed them, that was what the Reclaim Australia movement was about... although interesting to note no journalists had their jobs threatened for not just commenting, but supporting a racist movement.

Monday 6 April 2015

OPINION: 'Reclaim Australia' is a sham. This is why.

In the lead up to and following the clashes around Reclaim Australia, a lot of people have been discussing and debating on the internet and in real life about the morality of blocking far-right demonstrations.

And the people who (often with perfectly good liberal intentions) defend the "rights" of the right to march, will often say to people like me (who support a No Platform policy):

"So its alright to protest unimpeded, but only if its for a cause that you support?"

And that's quite a hard accusation to deal with. Essentially one is being accused of defying liberal principles (that "rights" should apply equally regardless of what political position you have) and being hypocritical, because I support blocking their rallies, but would be pissed if they did the same to us.