Monday 23 February 2015

MOVIE REVIEW: Citizenfour (2014)

Directed by Laura Poitras
Staring Edward Snowden, Glenn Greenwald & William Binney

Directed, filmed, and produced by Laura Poirtas, Citizenfour is a documentary about exposing the truth and danger of mass surveillance in our present society. It takes the viewer on a thrilling journey of how the story unfolded away from the spotlight and gives a truly uncensored glimpse at the largest whistle blower in modern history and how it all began.

This is the final documentary in a trilogy made by Laura Poitras post 9/11 and follows on from My Country, My Country (2006) about the Iraq war and terrorism, and The Oath (2010) about Guantanamo.

In 2013 Laura Poitras was contacted by an anonymous source going by the alias 'Citizenfour' claiming to be a senior member of the intelligence community. This alias claimed United States National Security Agency (NSA) Director Keith Alexander lied to congress "which I can prove".

What followed next, led to Citizenfour.

Tuesday 17 February 2015

POLITICS: Leaked documents reveal global tax evasion is rife within the UK's largest bank HSBC

#SwissLeaks relating to HSBC brings systemic tax evasion into the spotlight in Australia and around the world.

Green Left Weekly reported on how the leaks effect Australia, but of course the financial industry and corporations do not restrict themselves to country boarders.

POLITICS: Australia ranks 25th in Press Freedom

Reporters Without Boarders: 2015 World Press Freedom Index

Australia (25th) came in at almost half that of the US (49th) as ranked by 'Reporters Without Boarders' (RWB), however countries like Ghana (22nd), Namibia (17th) and New Zealand (6th) show there is still a long way to go.

Before we start, let's take a step back for a second and ask, what does "press freedom" actually mean. Freedom of the press is supposed to give a voice to the voiceless and hold the government to account. It means being bold, daring and taking on challenging stories domestically and internationally. At a time when technology is connecting us our press seems to be disconnecting us.

COMMENT: Propaganda, it's the American way!

I have known for a while that pretty much everyone on TV is American corporate propaganda, that entices you into materially and intellectually consume you way to an early grave.

There is a moment however when you truly grasp the bullshit you have been watching your entire life. I finished watching Good Game tonight, yes I am a massive gamer (as much as I have time for). I finished watching it and start talking to friends. I flicked the channels and "NCIS: LA" was on. I have to say at this point, before I became politically active about 2 years ago, these kind of shows were part of my regular viewing, my entertainment if you will.

Monday 9 February 2015

POLITICS: Libspill, ego's and education... where does higher education fall?

Students might be excused for thinking that higher education reforms are obsolete like [Prime Minister Tony] Abbott and the LNP are at the next election. While #libspill came to a conclusion with the Liberal Party standing behind the current Prime Minister, albeit narrowly, the alternative is not much better.

The question students, activists and wider community need to answer is how the failed liberal spill, education reforms and ego's in our politicians impact our national education system.

Wednesday 4 February 2015

MOVIE REVIEW: Rosewater (2014)

Written for the screen by Jon Stewart, 'Rosewater' is a movie set in Iran about the ever present danger of an unaccountable government.

While this movie focuses on the Iranian government, it also reflects back on the Australian, American, New Zealand and British governments. While the Australian government champions freedom of the press around the world, celebrating the release of journalist Peter Gresta, they simultaneously subvert liberties and silence dissent. No more is this obvious than in the recently passed legislation that criminalises journalists, for 10 years, who publish “special intelligence operations”.

Most governments would like you to believe the threat to democracy is some far off distant concept, but it couldn't be further from the truth. No politician has been held accountable for the illegal invasion of Iraq and subsequent deaths of thousands, tens of thousands of innocent people. No politician has been held accountable for torture in GITMO. No politician has been help accountable for the ubiquitous surveillance unleashed by the NSA and five eyes which Australia is privy too.